Sunday, December 30, 2012

Home for the Holidays

I've returned home from college for winter break, and so far it has been lovely.  No more finals to worry about, papers to write, or grades to stress about.  I've spent most of my break so far with my family, at the yearly Christmas Eve party, on Christmas, and just overall.  I missed everything and everyone so much. I have spent a great deal of my break wrapping presents, baking, and shopping.

I took these chocolate chips and made....


Christmas cat, up to no good

Bokeh tree

Holiday half-moon nails

All in all, it's good to be home.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Alabama Hot Sauce

A few weeks ago, before Thanksgiving, a few of my friends (Josh and Casey) were shooting a film for a class project.  The film is titled "Alabama Hot Sauce", and involves a time-traveling hot sauce salesman and his quest for revenge - and love.  They spent many many hours working on their film (yes, it's actually shot on film).  You can watch Alabama Hot Sauce here.  I was on one of the shoots for them, and took some production stills for them.  It is quite something, and was also quite something to be on the shoot.  I was there for the fight scene, which my friends Tim and Mike choreographed.  Yes, they did use swords.

Josh and Casey setting up the Bolex.

"Feudal Japan"

Tim and Mike working out technicalities for the fight scene