Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Throwback: Disney (part 1)

Last April, I went to Florida with my family.  I had been twice when I was 2 and 3 years old, but I don't think that really counts.  So it was kind of like the first time I had gone.  Yesterday I thought about how badly I wanted to go back, which inspired this post.  We went to Disney World and Harry Potter World when we were there.  Strangely enough, going to the grocery store there stood out a lot to me too.  Anyway, we spent about 4 hours in Harry Potter world, just because I love everything Harry Potter.  I loved Animal Kingdom and Epcot in Disney World.  But I really loved the Haunted Mansion at Magic Kingdom; I went on it nearly every day of the trip.  Anyway, just as a way to try and relive the warmth and sunshine of that trip during these cold months up north....

View from the airplane

A little boy going crazy with a light-up toy waiting for the fireworks.

My lovely sister

Alice in Wonderland topiary


I went on this and was very proud of myself.

Hopefully I get another chance to go to Florida soon, I'd definitely prefer the sun to the snow any day.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A Day Downtown

When Juliette visited earlier this month, we went downtown.  It was really the first time I've shot in a public place where there are a lot of people, so to be honest I was a bit nervous.  But after about two minutes I was comfortable as could be, taking pictures and whatnot as usual.  Then we went onto a side street, in front of the old mills.

I wore a 3/4 sleeve striped shirt (my new favorite), a skirt with small pleats, grey tights, metallic pink flats, my rose bracelet, and a DIY hair crown.  Juliette wore a black leather skirt, black tights, lace tie shirt, a tan and black blazer, Nine West boots, and an assortment of bracelets and rings as always.  Photos of me by Juliette.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Missing the Summer

The winter seems to drag on forever in upstate New York, and I can't help but to think of how much I miss the sun get a little disappointed.  Obviously it's been fun so far, I have friends up here and we've managed to keep busy during these cold months.  But summer means all kinds of wonderful things.  Sandals, beaches, no tights, green grass, warm weather, travelling, and most importantly: SUN!!  I'm already excited for summer, and I just can't wait for spring. I hope for many fun adventures THIS summer, though it may be months away!!  That being said, here's a look back at summer 2012 and the things I'm looking forward to most.

Flowers! Lots of flowers! - Trips into the city - Beaches - Pets - Old family photos - Candy shops.

Hope you're looking forward to warmer weather as much as I am!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Vintage Camera Collection

I love antiquing.  Let's be real.  You can find so many cool things when you take a minute to look around.  Flea markets are also a good place to check, but antique stores are more practical (at least in New England they are).  I seriously had no intention of starting a collection, but when I came home with three vintage cameras after a successful day spent at various antique stores, it was pretty much decided for me.  So far I have 7 in my collection and I intend on getting more.

Kodak: No. 1 Autographic Kodak Jr.
produced 1914-1927
mine from 1921.
takes 120 film. 

Kodak: Brownie Six-20 Camera, Model E
produced 1947-1957. 
Model E's produced from '47-53 had vertical stripes on the front
'53-57 had horizontal stripes.
mine from 1953-57.
takes 620 film.

Kodak: Duaflex II
produced 1950-54
unsure of when mine is from.
takes 620 film.
this might be my favorite camera, I've always found TLRs to be so cool!

Kodak: Instamatic M5 Movie Camera
"for Super 8 movies"
produced 1960s
I saw an ad in a 1966 issue of Life magazine for this; earliest I could find for this camera.
takes Kodapak Movie Cartridges.

Kodak: Brownie Hawkeye Camera
produced 1949-51
takes 620 film.
my grandfather gave me this camera, it was his when he was younger.

Kodak: Baby Brownie Special
produced 1938-1954
takes 127 film.
again, this was from my grandfather

Kodak: Brownie 127
produced 1952-59
mine from '52-55
takes 127 film.
this was from my nana, it was hers when she was younger. she said her brother got it for her.

A lot of the information on this post is from here, and from previous research I did upon first obtaining these cameras.  I'm pretty sure most of them work, the only one I'm really unsure of is the Super 8.  I haven't tried that one yet.  Also, I found a handy tutorial for using 120 film for 620 format cameras, in case you are ever in the same jam I was in!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Year, New Adventures

Recently, Juliette visited me in New Hampshire.  It was a great way to start off the new year!! We had many adventures and completed many DIY projects!! Tutorials will be up in the coming weeks for the projects.  Anyway, it was lovely going off on this particular adventure.  It began to snow partway through, and we managed to capture some of the flurries in a few pictures.  After our adventure we had a lunch of peanut butter & brown sugar sandwiches, strawberries, and peppermint patties for a small dessert.

I love my best friend's eyes

All pictures of me taken by Juliette

I am wearing a peplum shirt, skirt with small pleats (both from Forever 21), black flats, a sweater and thigh-highs borrowed from Juliette.  She's wearing a sweater, infinity scarf, velvety pants (which I also own, and am actually wearing right now because they're just so comfy!), Nine West boots, and a DIY hand harness.  I'm also wearing a fur vest from H&M, sparkly shirt I got for Christmas, jeans, oxfords from Forever 21, and a watch from Urban Outfitters.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Home for the Holidays

I've returned home from college for winter break, and so far it has been lovely.  No more finals to worry about, papers to write, or grades to stress about.  I've spent most of my break so far with my family, at the yearly Christmas Eve party, on Christmas, and just overall.  I missed everything and everyone so much. I have spent a great deal of my break wrapping presents, baking, and shopping.

I took these chocolate chips and made....


Christmas cat, up to no good

Bokeh tree

Holiday half-moon nails

All in all, it's good to be home.